Latest update: august 2021.

We will be updating this page regularly to answer your most common questions. Please check to see if your question has already been answered below before contacting us via the form on this page.

Using the App

Will Fix Up The City work on my device?

Head to our Device Guide to see if your phone is optimised.

I was told my device was AR compatible, but it doesn't work very well.

As Fix Up The City uses the latest in Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities, it does mean that not all devices classed as 'AR compatible' perform well.

I'm trying to scan in AR but it doesn't seem to be working?

Firstly you need to make sure you’re in the right location (look for the large circle and stand somewhere inside it), then you need to tap the button to scan - note this is not done automatically. On some phones it may take a while for the camera to recognise a location. Allow time for your device to detect and scan the area. If you continue to have issues, try closing and relaunching the application. If all else fails to fix the issue uninstall and then reinstall the app.

When I use the app my phone gets hot. Is that normal?

You may experience your phone heating up however if you are worried we recommend pausing your play session regularly to let your device cool down.

When I use the app it uses up a lot of my battery. Why is that?

Augmented Reality can be very battery intensive and requires a lot of processing by your device.

How much data does the App use, will I run up big bills?

Wallace & Gromit: Fix Up The City uses very little data during play sessions. If you are worried about using too much data, we recommend you to download the app ahead of the time whilst connected to a WiFi network.

Can I use the app on airplane mode?

No, you will need a data/WiFi connection to take part in Fix Up The City.

Your Privacy

Do Fictioneers collect my information and sell it to third parties?

Fictioneers will collect only the necessary information needed in order to operate the Fix Up The City experience and to optimise and improve our products and services. Fictioneers do not sell anyones user information to third parties. View our Privacy Policy here.

Why does the app ask permission to access my camera?

Augmented Reality (AR) requires camera access to scan your environment for flat surfaces to present the experience in situ.

How do I allow camera permissions for both iOS and Android?

Follow this guide for iOS/Apple devices

Follow this guide for Android (Google) Devices, (Google, One Plus & Samsung)


I ordered some merchandise when will it arrive?

UK Orders:

UK orders are shipped by Royal Mail. Most UK standard delivery orders will arrive within 3-5 days from the date of purchase, but please note we are currently experiencing delays due to Covid-19.

US & Canada Orders:

US orders are sent tracked and can take 5-7 days to arrive. However, please note that international shipping is experiencing delays of up to 28 days.

You can contact us at


How much does the app cost?

The app is free to download and play during the launch period.

Do I need an internet connection to play?

Yes. You can use the app on WiFi or mobile networks. Note that if you’re using your mobile network, it will use up your data allowance.

How long will it take to complete Fix Up The City?

Fix Up the City will take approximately 1 hour to complete in the UK. In the US the experience will take under 30mins.

Are the experiences different in Bristol, Cardiff and San Francisco?

The experiences are similar, but they are personalised to the city you are in, so feel free to join the experience in multiple cities. The US version is a showcase of the core elements of the experience, whereas the experience in the UK is enhanced.

Do I need an internet connection to play?

Yes. You can use the app on WiFi or mobile networks. Note that if you’re using your mobile network, it may use up your data allowance.

Have you got a question?

We’d love to hear from you.